Friday, 12 February 2010

Contemporary Garden Accessories in the UK Allow You to Create Your Very Own Green Wall.

By Felicity Waters, Director and Landscape Architect, Garden Beet

Garden accessories have been quietly evolving over the last couple of years. Many gardening products are now addressing people’s desire to grow their own plants in cramped urban spaces with super eco- chic style. Move over terracotta pots space age planting is here.

You may have stumbled across a green wall on one of your travels around London. The Athenaeum Hotel has one and so does Anthropologie on Regent Street. Or maybe you saw one in Paris, Tokyo or Melbourne?

Green Walls are the new black and uber architecture requires plants to almost morph with the building (green walls are also referred to as living walls or vertical gardens). Plants are being applied to interior and exterior facades like living wallpaper however the application is a tad more complicated.

Large scale green walls are very expensive to install and also require specialist knowledge to ensure their success. Corporations wanting to project a green ethos are certainly willing to shell out the costs to install these dazzling rock ‘n’ roll gardening installations. Many big businesses have engaged, Patric Blanc the French botanist and artist. He is the founder of the vertical gardening movement and he is certainly pushing the traditional gardening envelope with his amazing designs.
Thanks to artist Miguel Nelson and his Woolly Wally Pockets it is now possible for most people to create their very own green wall with only the most basic gardening skills.

Nelson has created a clever wall planter (a Woolly Pocket) that can be used on its own or in groups to cover most walls. They can also be used indoors and outdoors. They promote healthy plants whilst conserving water and are easy to install.
Each pocket is made from recycled plastics and holds approximately 10 litres of soil. The material is like a felted fabric and is made to military standards. The concept is simple, beautiful and it works.

Garden Beet in London, UK stocks the Woolly Pockets and many other contemporary garden accessories made from recycled materials.
Garden Beet is 100% on-line and ships worldwide. They can be found at

Be sure to check out their range of hand crafted recycled planters made from old tyres and their garden clocks made from recycled coffee cups.

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Less is More said...

good day !!nice post you have there. i hope that next time you have an article about wind spinners and wind chimes.

academic writing company said...

ohhhh, I'd like to lay on this grass with this lovely woman ;) I know what I'm talking about guys ;))

best writing services said...

well, can't not to agree with you - stunning picture. a little bit erotic I'd say, but it's so lovely